Last night I finished my first cartoon I've submitted in probably 3 months. It's not the best but I finally mastered the art of sound inside of Flash. The voices are clear, the plot however isn't, the graphics are good, and so is the music. So you should check it out. But one guy pissed me off really, really bad. If you check out my cartoon find a review from a dumbass 13 year old kid who gave it a 0, called it retarded, and homosexual, and mark it as abusive. It would be appreciated, thanks.
You can watch it here-
And please please please review, as well as mark "Yurmother"s review as abusive. Thanks!
Wheres the link so that i can watch it????
Oh, sorry I didn't even think of putting that in there. Well I added a link to the post now so we're good. :D